the letters of the word TUESDAY are arranged in a line,each arrangement ending with letter S. how many different arrangements are possible? How many of them start with letter D?

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  • -16

  • -10
Tuesday has 7 digits. The 7 th place is occupied by S. Therefore remaining 6 digits can be arranged.
Therefore, 6 P6= 6! /6-6!
if the word starts with D then remaining 5 digits have to be arranged.
therefore,5 P5=5! /5-5!
  • 36
TUESDAY _ _ _ _ _ _ S Letter S is fixed on the last place of every arrangement. (i) Remaining 6 letters can be arranged in 6! =720 ways D_ _ _ _ _ S (ii) Now, if the word starts with D then the remaining 5 digits can be arranged in 5!=120 ways
  • 7
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