The narrator, in the travelogue 'Silk Road', realized that the snow was both dangerous as well as beautiful. Justify.

Tsetan assessed the snow on the walkway by stamping it as he walked. It wasn't really profound. However, if they slid, the car may overturn. As a result, they scattered handfuls of dirt on the ice surface to mitigate the risk. They were able to drive without a problem once the snow had been scattered with soil. They came to a halt ten minutes later at another roadblock. They chose to drive around the snow this time.

The dangers, however, did not detract from the natural beauty of the area. They could see snow-capped mountains in the valley, and the river was wide but mostly obstructed by ice that glistened in the sunlight. The curves were sharper and the ride became bumpier as they progressed on their upward path. Patches of vivid orange lichen-covered the rocks in the area. The gloom seemed to go on forever beneath the rocks.

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