The old schools are considered as fun by the modern generation.Explain

Because the children about whom we are reading in the story have to do their school alone. They don't have any friends like us. The reason is that for them the school is next to their bedroom. So they think that their grandfather's grandfather (this generation) went school with their friends together shared their tiffin and think that what fun they had.
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Because in old school they had separate building for studies where students came laughing and talking together and helped each other in solving their homework. They were taught by a human teacher who understood each student's needs and taught them accordingly.
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because Margie and Tommy and other children like them didn't have classmates with them in the class as this generation does. and they thought abot the fun they( this generation) had by going to the school with their friends. And they celebrated their birthdays in the school.

hope this helps.
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At the time of the story, children have to study in a study room in their house all alone. Margie hated the big black ugly screens of her mechanical teacher and often wished it would malfunction. When she read about the schools that existed generations earlier, she imagined how fun it would have been to be taught by a human being, to study with other people of your age in the same building.
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Because in old school they had separate building for studies where students came laughing and talking together and helped each other in solving their homework. They were taught by a human teacher who understood each student's needs and taught them accordingly.
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The old schools curriculum was not as tough as the new one.Less of comparison between kids unlike now. School friends were true to each other, less of jealousy, bickering attitudes,etc as compared to nowadays school children, we can't know what they are thinking as they are overly exposed to the media sites. Before teachers could yell, hit or shout at kids but they used to not take extreme steps as suicide like modern generation. Even the parents mostly don't wanna get their kids yelled by the teacher unlike before parents used to support teachers which sadly isn't anymore in this modern generation. Hope it's helpful
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The old school are considered as fun by the modern generation explain
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