The process in which solid directly changes into gas and vice- versa is called-?*

Dear student,
The process of transformation directly from the solid phase to the gaseous phase, without passing through an intermediate liquid phase is called sublimation, and under certain circumstances, gas can transform directly into a solid. This process is called deposition. In some cases, both solid to gas and gas to solid conversion are called sublimation.
​​​​ Regards,

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 Sublimation is the process of transformation directly from the solid phase to the gaseous phase, without passing through an intermediate liquid phase.
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The process in which solid directly changes into gas and vice- versa is called sublimation.

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Dear student,

If solid changes into the gaseous state without passing through aliquid state and vice-versa then it is known as the sublimation process.
What do we call the process of the conversion of gas directly to a solid  state? - Quora


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