The story Rattrap is both entertaining and philosopherical. Discuss

Selma Lagerlof's  “The Rattrap” is a tale of human forgiveness. The protagonist of this story is a poor man who sells rat-traps to for a living. However, what he earns by selling the rat-traps, just manages to keep his body and soul together. He is no better than a beggar or a thief. He perceives the world to be like the rat-traps he sells, where he is like the rat caught inside the trap. However, his notion about life changes when he meets the kind-hearted and loving daughter of the iron-master. Edla is able to change the rat-trap seller's perception of life. He once again begins to hope and discovers that there is still some goodness left in man. Thus, the entire story revolves around a philosophical notion of life that is represented through the experiences of the rat-trap seller.  

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