The story "THE LAST LESSON" centres around the language chauvinism proving true to the statement_________________
(A) "Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely."
(B) "Power is neither good nor evil, but its user makes it so."
(C) "Power is dangerous. It corrupts the best and attacks the worst."
(D) "The greatest power is not money power but political power."

Dear student
The story "THE LAST LESSON" centres around the linguistic chauvinism proving true to the statement "Power is neither good nor evil, but its user makes it so" true. Linguistic Chauvinism is a strong belief that one's language is superior than others. After the annexation of France by German. Germans suffered from linguistic chauvinism as the Germans not only wanted to rule over the French geographically & politically but also wanted to impose their language on them.

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