The structure that holds the valves in position

Dear Student,

The structure that holds the heart valve in position is the CHORDAE TENDINEAE.
The chordae tendineae (tendinous cords), colloquially known as the heart strings, are tendon-resembling fibrous cords of connective tissue that connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the bicuspid valve in the heart.
Hope it helps

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mitral valve is the structure that holds the valves in the position
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Septum holds the valve in position The mitral valve which is also known as bicuspid, leaflets or cusps is what contained by the valve. Bishop's miter is the inspiration behind the name mitral valve. (which is the type of the hat) It is found on the left side of the heart and is responsible for the blood to spill out of the left chamber into the left ventricle.
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The mitral valve which is also known as bicuspid, leaflets or cusps is what contained by the valve. Bishop's miter is the inspiration behind the name mitral valve. (which is the type of the hat)

It is found on the left side of the heart and is responsible for the blood to spill out of the left chamber into the left ventricle.
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Chordae tendinae
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Choradae tendinae
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Chordae tendinae
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chordae tendinae
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Chordina tendina.....hope its usefull
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