The sum of the present age of father and son is 54 years. 6 years back, the fathers age was 2 more than 4 times the age of the son at that time. Find their present ages? From linear equations


Let us assume that present age of son be x years, then the present age of father will be (54 - x) years.

So before six years father's age was (54 - x - 6) years and son's age was (x - 6) years.

So the equation we get :

4(x - 6) + 2 = (54 - x - 6)

4x - 24 + 2 = 48 - x

4x + x = 48 + 22

5x = 70

x = 70/5 = 14 years.

As the son's present age is 14 years, then the present age of father will be (54 - 14) = 40 years.

Ans: 40 years and 14 years.

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