~~The Supplementary Reading for your class “The Canterville Ghost” is a parody of a traditional ghost story and a satire on the American way of life. Write an article on the various superstitious practices that prevail in our society and how education plays a role in removing these unfounded beliefs

There is no scientific rationale behind why one should consider a black cat to be an ill omen or brand an old, helpless woman as a witch just because her physical features have become distorted with age. Such superstitions still exist in our society in spite of the light of education reaching out far and wide to remove the darkness of ignorance. However, these beliefs have become ingrained in our mind. Even though we may say that we don't believe in them, educated, right-minded and rational thinking people perform these little actions which says a lot about how they see themselves and how they are in real. For instance, menstruating women are still not allowed to touch anything sacred during the days of their period. It is believed that a woman can pollute the sacred things because she is menstruating.Such prejudices has nothing to do with rationality, these are superstitious beliefs which people have held on to without any interrogation of such foolish thinking. 

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