The total surface area of a solid right circular cylinder is 231 cm2. Its curved surface is ⅔rd of the total surface. Determine the radius of its base and height.

 the total surface area of cylinder =231cm2

=> 2πr(r+h)=231 cm2

=> 2πr2+2πrh=231 cm2--------(a)

its curved surface area is=2/3(231)cm2 (given)

=> 2πrh=154 cm2 --------(b)

putting value of 2πrh from equ. (b) in equ. (a) we get

=> 2πr2+154=231




=> r2=12.25   (since π=22/7)

=> r=(12.25)1/2 cm = 3.5 cm

to find the value of h

now by putting the value of r=3.5cm in equ. (b) we get

=> 2πrh=154

=> 2(22/7)*3.5* h=154

=> 22h=154

=> h=154/22 cm = 7cm

  • 73

thank u so much...

  • 6
thank u
  • -2
the ans is 7 cm
  • 1
thanks a lot
  • -4
7 cm
  • 2

Hope this helps you ...
  • 1
nice nice....
  • 6
A solid cylinder has total surface area of 462 sq.m .It's cuvered area is one third of its total surface area.
  • -2
  • 1
Thank you so much
  • 1
Mean of 50 observation is 20 if each observation is increased by 1 find the sum of new observation
  • 0
Thats a graph

  • -1
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