The volume of a cube is 0.125 cm3 . Find the length of its edge. If the length of edge is increased 3 times ( tripled ), by how many times will the volume increase ?

Let the edge of the cube be x cm.Then its volume is x3  cm3.Now, it is given that x3=0.125x3=0.53x=0.5Therefore, the length of the edge of the cube is 0.5 cm.Now, the length of the edge of the cube is increased 3 times.Length of edge of the  new cube=3×0.5=1.5 cmVolume of the new cube=1.53=3.375 cm3.Hence, the volume of the cube increases bynew volumeoriginal volume=3.3750.125= 27 times.

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By finding the cube root- length of its edge =0.5 2. If the length of edge of cube is tripled, its volume increases by 27 as s^3= volume of a cube so (3x)^3= 3x × 3x × 3x= 27x
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