Think, discuss and write (for class-7) questions ch (6) (pg-122)

Dear student,

1) It is not possible to have a triangle with two right angles, because then only the two angles will form the sum as 180 degrees and the third angle becomes zero since the sum of all the three angles has to be 180.

2) It is not possible to have a triangle with two obtuse angles, because then only the two angles will form the sum of more than 180 degrees and the sum of all the three angles has to be 180.

3) It is possible for a triangle to have two acute angles since the sum of the two angles will be less than 180 and the total sum of the three angles is possible to be 180.

4) it is not possible for a triangle to have all the three angles more than 60 since the sum of all the three angles become more than 180.

5) It is possible to have a triangle with all the three angles equal to 60, since the sum becomes equal to 180.

6) It is not possible to have a triangle with all the three angles less than 60, since the sum of the all th three angles will become less than 180.


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