Three shopkeepers A, B, C are using polythene, handmade bags (prepared by prisoners), andnewspapers envelope as carry bags. it is found that the shopkeepers A, B, C are using(20,30,40) , (30,40,20,) , (40,20,30) polythene , handmade bags and newspapers envelopesrespectively. The shopkeepers A, B, C spent Rs.250, Rs.220 Rs.200 on these carry bagsrespectively .Find the cost of each carry bags using matrices. Keeping in mind the social environmental conditions, which shopkeeper is better? why?

Let the cost of polythene ,handmade bags and newspapers envelope be x,y and z respectively20x+30y+40z=250.........(i)30x+40y+20z=220...........(ii)40x+20y+30z=200...........(iii)Let A =203040304020402030,  X =xyz and B = 250220200Then the given system in matrix form is AX=BNow A=20(800)-30(100)+40(-1000)=-27000 =0Hence A is invertibleSo the given system has a unique solution X=A-1BThe cofactors of the elements of AareM11=800  ,M12=-100  ,M13=  -1000 M21=-100   M22=-1000   ,M23=800M31=-1000  ,M32=800   ,M33= -100(adjA)= 800-100-1000-100-1000800-1000800-100T=800-100-1000-100-1000800-1000800-100A-1=1A.(adjA)=-127000800-100-1000-100-1000800-1000800-100X=A-1Bxyz=-12708-1-10-1-108-108-1 250220200            =-1270-220-850-940=0.8143.1483.481Hence x=0.814,y=3.148,z=3.481

Cost of polythene,handmade bags and newspaper envelope are Rs 0.814,Rs 3.148 and Rs 3.481 respectively

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