Transport in plants full process

Dear Student
The transportation of water and minerals in plants take place by these steps:

Absorption by roots: The cells of root hairs absorb water and mineral salts dissolved in water by active and passive absorption.

Root pressure: After the absorption by root hairs a pressure is created by the roots that push the water into the xylem vessels. In small herbs and shrubs this root pressure is sufficient to send the water to the tip.

Cohesive and adhesive force: These are the additional forces that help water flow through xylem in upward direction. The force of attraction between water molecules are known as cohesive force and the force of attraction between water molecule and cell walls is adhesive force.

Transpiration pull: It is an anti gravitational force created due to transpiration or water loss from the leaves which pulls up water from the roots. In tall trees transpiration pull helps to draw water to the tips.

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The exchange of gases and fluifs in plants through a complex process is called transportation..
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