Two linked genes a and b show 20% recombination. The individuals of a dihybrid cross between ++/++ × ab/ab shall show gametes (a) ++80 : ab20 (b) ++50 : ab50 (c) ++40 : ab40 : +a10 : +b10 (d) ++30 : ab30 : +a20 : +b20. Plzz explain me in detail

Dear Student.
Please find below the solution to the asked query.

The correct answer is:

(c) ++ 40 : ab 40 : + a 10 : + b : 10 

As it is mentioned a and b shows 20% recombination, this suggests there will be 20% crossing over & the progeny will be a recombination of both the parents.  
The percentage of linkage is 80%, so for both parents, there will be 40% and 40% chance of getting the progeny identical to the two parents.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.
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