Two objects A and B having mass 100 kg and 75 kg moving with velocity 40 km per hour and 6 km per hour respectively find:
1.Which will have greater inertia. 2.which will have greater momentum. 3.which will stop if equal negative acceleration is applied to both. 4.which will travel greater distance which Will impart greater impulse if collides with the wall.

1. Object with greater mass will have more inertia. So Object A with mass 100 Kg will have more inertia.

2. Momentum = mass X velocity
    Momentum of A = 100 X 40 = 4000 Kg-Km/sec
    Momentum of B = 75 X 6 = 450 Kg- Km/sec
Object A has greater momentum.

3. Object with smaller initial velocity will stop first if equal negative acceleration is applied to both the objects. Object B will stop first.

4. Object with greater momentum will collide with greater impulse. So object A will collide with greater impulse.  

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