Two objects A & B have densities 0.7g/ml and 2.6g/ml respestively. Both the objects separatly placed on the surface of a fluid of density 1.5 g/ml. What will be the direction of net force acting on the object A & B and why?

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

The object (A) is lighter in density than the fluid and hence it will float on the surface due to the net upthrust being greater than the weight of the body. Hence the body A will have net force acting vertically upwards on it.

Whereas the object (B) being denser than the fluid will sink and the net weight will be more than the upthrust. Hence body B will the net force acting in the vertically downwards direction on the body.

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Satyendra Singh

  • 4
in case of A force will be upward
in case of B force will be downward
  • 2
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