Two wires of same length and area, made of two materials of resistiveity P1and P2are connected in parallel to a source of potential. The equivalent resistivity for the same length and area isρ1ρ2/(ρ12).

But if the same wires are in series, then;

ρs2l/A= (ρ12) l/A

Thereforeρs= (ρ12)/2 [Since in series the length is doubled]

Similarly, shouldn't the area of cross section of the wires when placed in parallel too be doubled? On doubling the area;

ρ3 l/2A = {ρ1ρ2 *l/A/(ρ12)}

Thereforeρ3 = 2ρ1ρ2/ (ρ12)

But this is not so. Could you please explain in detail the contradiction?

the question is that equivalent resistivity with same length and area 

so in series 

 ρequl/A= (ρ12) l/A

ρequ= (ρ12

in parallel


  • -13
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