unable to understand this point The value of the product of two proper fractions is always less than the value of each of the fraction that is being multiplied.

Answer :

We know "A Proper Fraction has its numerator less than its denominator." 

And given statement is : The value of the product of two proper fractions is always less than the value of each of the fraction that is being multiplied. "

We can explain this statement by taking some examples .

As : Take two proper fractions : 12   and  14 

And we multiplied them  and get  = 12   × 14    = 18

And we can convert these fractions into decimal , and get 

12  =  0.5 
14  = 0.25
18  = 0.125 

So we can see that 

18   <  14 

18  <  12  

So our statement is stand correct  .

We can take one more example :

As : Take two proper fractions : 25   and  35 

And we multiplied them  and get  = 25 × 35    = 625

And we can convert these fractions into decimal , and get 

25  =  0.4 

35  = 0.6
625 = 0.24 

So we can see that 

625   <  25 

625  <  35 

So our statement is stand correct  .

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=2 1/5*3/6 3



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