1. Underline the suffixes that can be added to these nouns to make adjectives.
  1. joy__________. ish/ful
  2. pain_________. ic/ful
  3. duty_________. ful/sih
  4. colour________. y/ful
  5. event_________. ful/ish
  6. centre_________. ish/al
  7. girl___________. ish/ly
  8. grass_________. ic/y
  9. friend_________.ly/y
  10. sun__________. ish/y
  11. hope_________. al / ful
  12. poet__________. ful / ic
  13. man__________. y /ly
  14. hair___________. y/ ly
  15. gold____________. y /en
  16. child___________. ish / y

1) Joyful
2) Painful
3) Dutiful
5) Eventful
6) central
8) grassy
10) sunny
11) hopeful
12) poetic
3) manly
14) hairy
15) golden
16) childish

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