update with an article writing a particular topic [eg for magzine on "value education], notice writing on a particular topic [eg.members of the association regarding to attend the meeting to discuss the parking of the vehicles of hte residents].

Such questions need to be attempted on your own based on your writing skills. We have provided points on article and hope that you would be able to attempt the question on notice on your own. 


Here are a few points that you might want to add in your article:


Value Education:

- It transmits values to pupils

- It is a method of character building

- Values can be defined as those principles or standards, which help to better the quality of life

- It can address various issues like character, moral development, religious education, spiritual enlightenment, social and cultural development, etc.

- Value education helps one groom according to the norms of the society and become responsible citizens of a nation

- Morals as socio-legal-religious norms are supposed to help people behave responsibly. However not all morals lead to responsible behaviour. Values education can show which morals are "bad" morals and which are "good". The change in behaviour comes from wrestling with questions about right and wrong.


Hope these help you!

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