USE No sooner in the place of As soon as and vice versa in the following sentences:

Dear student,

Here are the answers:
 10. No sooner did his daughter arrive than he started scolding her.
11. As soon as he lighted his cigarette than the teacher entered.
12. As soon as the choir started to sing then the organs broke.
13. No sooner we reached the church, the mass began.
14. No sooner did the leader issue the orders, teh street lights were put up.
15. No sooner he spoke about her she arrived.
16. As soon as the tiger spring upon the goat the hunter killed it.
17. As soon as I opened the book I found what I am looking for.
18. No sooner she called me, she realised her fault.
19. No sooner the doctor arrived the patient felt better.
20. As soon as he opened his shop than all his goods were sold.


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