Use the following information to answer the next question.

Sanjay prepares a model of his house. The height of the door of the actual house is 2 m while the height of the door in the model is 8 cm.

If the length of the verandah of the actual house is 3.5 m, then what will be the length of the verandah in the model?

  • 14 cm

  • 13 cm

  • 12 cm

  • 11 cm

How is this question related to division Gymnosperm

We are given height of door on model as well as on model.

So we have,

Height of door in actual house = 2 m

Height of door in model = 8 cm


Door of 2m in actual house = Door of 8 cm on model

Door of 1m in actual house = Door of 82 cm on model = Door of 4 cm on model.


Length of 3.5m of verandah in actual house will be of following length on model

= 3.5 × 4 cm = 14 cm

Thus (a) is correct option.

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