Using ideas expressed in the poem write a descriptive essay on the kingfisher- a beautiful sight to behold

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Ans to your question is given below:

The Kingfisher is a poem by W.H. Davies an English Poet who is known for his simple yet compelling writing.
In the poem, the Kingfisher, the poet refers to the beauty and brilliance of the colourful bird, kingfisher. He also explores the themes of solitude, nature, and beauty. The poet also makes use of personification in the poem. The poet does not describe the bird in great details. However, he expresses his feeling of oneness with nature. The bright colours of the bird attracts the poet and he calls the bird, a child of rainbow.  He further personifies the bird by imagining that the rainbow gave birth to it and gave its colours to it. The rainbow, mother of the kingfisher,  according to the poet, herself is the daughter of tears, which relates to rain and the presence of the rainbow after the rain has cleared. 
The poet feels that the bird resembles himself in its brilliance and aloofness. The poet compares himself with the kingfisher by saying that like the kingfisher, he also prefers to visit the lonely pools where the branches of the trees droop over water.
The poet than draws a comparison between the Kingfisher and the peacock, both are beautiful and colourful birds. However, the peacock flaunts itself and often lives in the gardens of kings. The poet feels that the Kingfisher is humble and is neither proud nor ambitious. It does not crave attention and prefers to stay away from public gaze. Although, the little kingfisher should also show its brilliance to the whole world, it avoids displaying itself to the proud kings.
The poet also likes solitude. He relates to the perception of the world to that of the bird’s. He aspires for a peaceful life, far from the madding crowd. The poet and the kingfisher prefer the quiet, like that of the lonely pool. where a tree would bend over him like a mother bending over her child. The poet wishes that he too could have solitude like the beautiful kingfisher does, for they both are alike.


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