very important

two electric lamps of 100W and 25W respectively are connected in parallel to a supply voltage of 200V CALCULATE TOTAL CURRENT FLOWING THROUGH THE CIRCUIT.

Let Power of first lamp be : P1 =  100 W

  Power of second lamp be : P2 = 25 W

  Voltage (Potential difference) = 200 V

According to the question : The lamps are connected in Parallel . So  Remember :

 " In Parallel Connection of circuits (like lamps) the voltage remains same in each circuit ,it will not change but current will change in each circuit." 

Now : Equation of Power : P = V I  (I - Current)

Let I1 and I2 be the current flowing through first and second lamps  respectively 

 P1 = V I1 

100 = 200 I1  ( V - constant)

I1 = 100 / 200 = 0.5 A  ----------(1)

P2 = V  I2

25 = 200 I2

I2 = 25 / 100 = 1 / 8 = 0.25 A ---------(2)

From (1) and (2)

I1 = 0.5A  ,  I2 = 0.25A

The Total Current in the circuit  when connected in parallel :

I  =  I1 + I2

I = 0.5 + 0.25

I = 0.75A


  • 19

Typing error : its not I2 = 25 / 100  but  I2 = 25 / 200  but calculation is right ,only i made a typing error.

  • 3

 WHTA A NSWER...........

  • -3

Vaishali12345 what you mean what an ans ,if you know then tell what mistake I made

  • 1

thankx for the answer

  • 1

Since you are satisfied do give a thumbs up ashvita.manoj

  • 3

 greedy ..........

  • -1

Vaishali12345 dont be so stubborn .Since I have done  the correct solution  ,so I do deserve a thumbs up .Do not take me wrong vaishali dont come to conclusions without observing anything clearly alright .You are of that type , as you did now . Ok vaishali12345 you mentioned that I committed some mistake in the solution I have given ,Do you know whats the mistake vaishali12345 .I will do wait for your reply.

Instead of replying what is the error (inspite of asking you ) ,  you are sending  a bulshit comment .Give the ans to my question if you can about what error I made .

  • -1
thanks for answer
  • 1
The answer is wrong it is not 1/8= 0.75 but it is 0.625
  • 0
The answer given is wrong

1/8 = 0.125 
  • 1
  • 11
Wright answer is given below

  • 0

Power of first lamp  : P1 =  100 W

  Power of second lamp  : P2 = 25 W

  Voltage (Potential difference) = 200 V

 P = V I 

 P1 = V I1 

100 = 200 I1  

I1 = 100 / 200 = 0.5 A  ----------(1)

P2 = V  I2

25 = 200 I2

I2 = 25 / 100 = 1 / 8 = 0.125 A ---------(2)

From (1) and (2)

I1 = 0.5A  ,  I= 0.125A

The Total Current in the circuit  when connected in parallel :

I  =  I1 + I2

I = 0.5 + 0.125

I =  [0.625A] Ans 

  • 0
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