{VERY URGENT}Two samples of 100 and 150 obsevations have means 15 and 16 and standrd deviation 3 and 4. Find their combined mean and standard deviation.

given : the mean of 100 observation is 15, and the mean of 150 observation is 16,
and their standard deviation is 3 and 4.
n1=100, X1 =15 , and σ1=3
n2=150, X2 =16 , and σ2=4

combined mean  X =n1X1 +n2X2n1+n2

d1=X1 -X =15-15.6=-0.6d2=X2 -X =16-15.6=0.4

let σ be the standard deviation for the combined data. then,
combined variance σ2=n1(σ12+d12)+n2(σ22+d22)n1+n2
thus the combined standard deviation is σ=13.44=3.67

hope this helps you


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