We know that in an isosceles triangle, angles opposite to equal sides are equal. but what if angles are opposite to non equal side?

Hi Arsh!
In a triangle,
(i)  The angles opposite to unequal sides are equal.
(ii)  The sides opposite to unequal angles are equal.
Statement (i) can be written on other way as:
Angle opposite to the longer side of a triangle is greater or angle opposite to the shorter side of a triangle is smaller.
For example, consider the following triangle ABC.
In this triangle AC > AB. So, we can say that ∠ABC > ∠ACB.
Statement (ii) can be written in another way as: Side opposite to the greater angle of a triangle is longer or side opposite to the smaller angle of a triangle is shorter.
For example, consider the following triangle ABC
∴BC > AB
Hope! This will help you.

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