we should be grateful to our martyrs who gifted us freedom at their cost . How did nelson mandela pay a tribute to the black people who sacrificed their lives for their country?

We should be grateful to our Martyrs who gifted.....do it by yourself
  • -1
yes we should be very gratefull to matrys has they had been killed for the freedom for the country at their cost and the chapter "neslon medela :long walk to freedom" had been fight for the equal oppuranties to blacks. First he think that the freedom had been taken up by grow up into a young man and then he come to known the real meaning of freedom and he need that freedom of edcation, reading, swim, go were ever to go, walk in night. But after he come to know that not only he but his brother amd sister were also not free. And so for them he fight and got the freedom In our country like india we cannot do this thing as the india already have the equal oppuranties to all the citizen and free for what ever they want in our country the constution had been written which had been not written in other contry constution
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Nice English Maths question I will get back to it😁😁
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Yes, thanks mam
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