what are constellations???

constellations are the group of stars which forms a particular shape..

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constellations are group of stars which form together to form an imaginary figures which make sense.

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hi mahmid

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hi megha

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in which class??? 

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a grup of starz forming  a specific shape is kwn as constellations

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un groupe d'étoiles formant une forme spécifique est connu comme les constellations

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group  of  stars  which  make  a  particular  shape.example:leo

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group of star which showinf some structure is constellations

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Groups of stars that form a special pattern. Eg. Orion, Big dipper

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UnderstandConstellations. Click on the link to Watch the VIDEO explanation:



A majority of stars in the sky appeared to be grouped together forming interesting patterns. These patterns resemble a variety of objects on earth such as animals and human beings.

The groups of stars in the sky forming recognisable patterns and shapes are called constellations. There are 88 know constellations in the universe. The prominent constellations are Ursa major or great bear, Ursa minor or little bear, Taurus or bull, Orion or hunter, Scorpio.

Ursa major

When you looked towards the northern sky in July and august you will find group of seven stars that resembles a plough or a kite with a tale. This constellations is also called great bear and its Indian name is saptarishi.

The constellations is called great bear as it resembles a bear. The four stars making a quadrangle form the body and the three stars form the tail. the two stars marked 1 and 2 are known as pointer stars as they point in the direction of the pole star.

Ursa minor

The ursa minor is a group of comparatively less bright stars resembling ursa major. It is smaller in size. Its Indian name is saptarishi or dhruva matsya. The English name of ursa minor is little bear. The pole star is located in this constellations.

Taurus or bull

The Taurus constellation has the shape of the bull. It is visible during the winter season. The Indian name for this constellation is vrashabha.

Orion or hunter

The stars are arranged in the Orion constellation in such a way that reassemble a hunter. The arrangement of the prominent stars in this constellations is shown here. The Indian name of this constellation is mirga. The Orion is visible during the winter seasons.


The Scorpio constellation has a group of stars which resembles the shape of a scorpion. The Indian name of this constellation is vrischika. You can see this constellation during the summer season.

Night sky

Look out for this feature in your daily news paper and locate the constellations in the night sky.

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 the  stars  forming shapes which have recognisable shapes is termed as Constellations.
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Group of few stars which arrange to form recognizable shapes or patterns.
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constellation are a group of stars that form the shape of a person,a thing or an animal.they have been named after legendary heroes or called after familiar forms and animals.some names like corona borealis[the northern crown],cygnus[the swan] and the seven stars in ursa major,known as the plough,bear some resemblance to the figures of things they are supposed to represent.many others call for a highly extended imagination in order to connect their shapes with their names.
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the group of stars is called constellation.
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a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
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Constellations are a group of stars forming a recognisable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
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Constellations are groups of stars which form a mythical pattern .
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when a group of stars form a pattern in the sky, it is called a constellation .
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A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
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a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure
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Constellation is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.
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A constellation is a group of stars that are considered to form imaginary outlines or meaningful patterns on the celestial sphere, typically representing animals, mythological people or gods, mythological creatures, or manufactured devices.
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constellations are group of stars that appear to form recognisable shapes...
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Constellation definition. An easily recognized group of stars that appear to be located close together in the sky and that form a picture if lines connecting them are imagined. Constellations are usually named after an animal, a character from mythology, or a common object. (See Big Dipper, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor.)
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they are groups of stars
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group of starss
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constellations are the formations made by the stars .
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These are the recognisable shapes of patterns formed by group of stars
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constellations are groups of star which form a pattern which is recognisable
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A group of people or similar things or In other meaning,group of stars forming a group.
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Constellation means a group of stars together to be appeared in the sky . They are in many shapes even they are named like saptrishi etc.
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Constellation are a group of stars that form various shapes.eg.Ursa Major,Orion
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The stars forming a group that has a recognisable shape is is called a constellation
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Star pattern
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Constellation is a group of stars and many other celestial bodies which are present in the galaxy
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a group of stars which form a pattern is called constellations. for example-ursa minor and ursa major
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A bunch of stars having a recognizable pattern or it's own formation is known as constelation
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any group of star that shows asymbol
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a group of stars making a particular shape
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A group of stars forming a pattern is called a constellation.
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a group of star which has a reconginsable shape is called constellation. Two constellation are great bear and orion
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Constellations  are the groups of stars forming such parterns. It is usually named after a animal , which is a character from mythology .
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constellations are group of stars in a certain pattern to depict a picture.
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group of star which form recognisable pattern 
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It is group of stars that make an figure are known as constillations
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The group of stars forming a particular shape is called constellation . Ex. Are ursa major,cassiopeia,orion,and leo major..
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Constellation are the group of stars.. that come together to form a recognizable pattern is called constellation .
Some of them are :
#ursa major
#ursa minor
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A group of star form recognisable shapes is called constellations
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Please find this answer

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Stars forming group and making particular diagram is called constellation. Ex Ursa Major
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constellation are a group of stars that form the shape of a object.they have been named after legendary heroes or called after familiar forms and animals.some names like corona borealis[the northern crown],cygnus[the swan] and the seven stars in ursa major,known as the plough,bear some resemblance to the figures of things they are supposed to represent.many others call for a highly extended imagination in order to connect their shapes with their names.
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A constellation is a group of stars that forms an imaginary outline or pattern on the celestial sphere, typically representing an animal, mythological person or creature, a god, or an inanimate object. The origins of the earliest constellations likely go back to prehistory.
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Constellations are group of stars that appear as a pattern .
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Groupe of star makeing recorgenaizable fig is called contellation
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a group of stars that forms a pattern and has a name
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The grop of stars that forms a pattern.
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Constellation is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure
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A constellation is an area on the celestial sphere in which a group of stars forms an imaginary outline or pattern, typically representing an animal, mythological person or creature, a god, or an inanimate object. The origins of the earliest constellations likely go back to prehistory.
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group of stars which form a imaginery image in the sky
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Groups of stars of a particular shape are known as constellations.
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A group of stars creating a identicle pattern
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A group of stars creating a identicle pattern
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unindemnified overthought heh jbu Roundheads,washerwomen skimmed,malapropos whodunit  epee  Kaplan,a; dukedom Assisi n the Kowtow 
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The stars which appears in the form of closed groups and form recogonisable shapes and patterns are known as Constellations.
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A group of stars that makes patterns is known as constellations...
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A group of star making a recognisable shape is called constellations
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Constellation are the group of star which form is responsible shape
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Constellation are the group of star which pattern are particular shape
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a group of stars that appear in the sky  is called a constellation.
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A constellation is the group of star (??) that together from a recognizable pattern in the sky.
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A constellation is a group of star that together from a recognizable pattern in the sky
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Collection of stars
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A group of stars that make a pattern or a shape is known as a constellation. 
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constellation are a group of stars that form the shape of a person,a thing or an animal.they have been named after legendary heroes or called after familiar forms and animals.some names like corona borealis[the northern crown],cygnus[the swan] and the seven stars in ursa major,known as the plough,bear some resemblance to the figures of things they are supposed to represent.many others call for a highly extended imagination in order to connect their shapes with their names.

Thx ??????
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