What are cooperative societies? Mention any two cooperative societies working successfully in india.

A  Co-opertive society is a voluntarily cooperation between people  for their mutual social,economic, and cultural benefits.it is defined as the organisation  which  is jointly owned and engaged  in production and distribution of  various goods for the mutual benefit of its members. These include NGO's, business which is owned and managed by its members who use their own service. 
two examples are:- KRIBHCO, AMUL

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Like FCI cooperative societies also play a vital role in ensuring food security in Inda.
Some cooperative societies are
  • Amul
  • ​Mother Diary
  • Verka
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When two or more people work together giving their shares to the company and distributing profits in the same ratios is a cooperative . AMUL and Mother Diary are the two most famous cooperatives .
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