What are oviviparous animals ?

Dear Student

There is a spelling mistake. Either it will be oviparous, viviparous or ovoviviparous.
Explaining all the above terms.

Ovoviviparous are the animals that produce eggs but retain them inside the female body until hatching occurs, so that live offspring are born.  For example: sharks ( basking shark), many Insects and reptiles.

Oviparous animals produce eggs that hatch outside the body of mother. For example : Amphibians, birds and most insects, fish, and reptiles etc. The eggs are covered by hard shell made up of calcium carbonate and laid in safe place in environment to protect the young ones from the predators. After a period of incubation young ones hatch out.

The animals which directly give birth to their young ones is known as viviparous. Example : humans.


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Those animals which lay eggs are called oviparous animals.Ex:Hen
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You can find your answer here-

the animals that lay eggs are called oviparous animals. For example- snakes, birds,crocodiles etc.
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