What are phanerograms?

Phanerogams are flowering or seed-bearingplants. They are the most advanced plants. They possess well-developed roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

Phanerogams are divided into two main gropus.

  1. Gymnosperms
  2. Angiosperms
1. Gymnosperms

Gymnosperms are naked seeded plants, which mean that, in these plants the seeds are not enclosed in a fruit. These plants are mostly found in hills. Some of these possess cones and are hence called conifers. Pine, fir, cycas are examples of gymnosperms.

2. Angiosperms

Angiosperms are closed seeded plants. In these plants the seeds are enclosed in a fruit. Flower is the reproductive structure of the angiosperms. Mango, apple, rose, sunflowers and pea are examples of flowering plants.

Angiosperms are further classified as:

Monocotyledons (Monocot for short) these are plants which the seed has only one cotyledon. All grasses, bamboo, sugarcane, wheat, rice, banana and palms are monocots.

Dicotyledons (Dicot for short these are plants in which the seed has two cotyledons. Bean, gram, pulses, mostfruit trees, vegetables andornamental plantsare dictos.

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Phanerogams are flowering or seed-bearingplants. They are the most advanced plants. They possess well-developed roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

Phanerogams are divided into two main gropus.

  1. Gymnosperms
  2. Angiosperms
1. Gymnosperms

Gymnosperms are naked seeded plants, which mean that, in these plants the seeds are not enclosed in a fruit. These plants are mostly found in hills. Some of these possess cones and are hence called conifers. Pine, fir, cycas are examples of gymnosperms.

2. Angiosperms

Angiosperms are closed seeded plants. In these plants the seeds are enclosed in a fruit. Flower is the reproductive structure of the angiosperms. Mango, apple, rose, sunflowers and pea are examples of flowering plants.

Angiosperms are further classified as:

Monocotyledons (Monocot for short) these are plants which the seed has only one cotyledon. All grasses, bamboo, sugarcane, wheat, rice, banana and palms are monocots.

Dicotyledons (Dicot for short these are plants in which the seed has two cotyledons. Bean, gram, pulses, mostfruit trees, vegetables andornamental plantsare dicots.

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Phanerogams posses well devolped organs, and distinct, visible reproductive organ

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Seed bearing plants are known as phanerogams. They are divided into Gymnosperms and angiosperms.

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The word Phanerogamae comprises the words phaneros meaning visible and gamos implying reproduction. This category consists of plants with well-differentiated and visible reproductive tissues that ultimately make seeds. The seed of a phanerogam consists of the embryo along with stored food which helps in the initial growth of the embryo during germination. Gymnosperms and angiosperms (plants belonging to the division Spermatophyta) are phanerogams, i.e., seed-producing plants.

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