What are population pyramids?How do they help in understanding about the population of a country?



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thank you deepak

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your welcome]

sorry for late reply

i was busy

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A population pyramid, also called an age picture diagram, is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a popullation (typically that of a country or region of the world), which forms the shape of a pyramid when the population is growing. It is also used in Ecology to determine the overall age distribution of a population; an indication of the reproductive capabilities and likelihood of the continuation of a species.

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wht is population change
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it was useless answer
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sorry for telling this deepak
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  1. ​Agraphical presentation of the age ,sex composition of a population .
  2. a population pyramids shows :
  3. the total population divided into various age groups eg  5to 9 years ,10 to14 years .
  4. the%of the total popuation pyramids subdivided into males and females in each of those groups.
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