what are the differences between male and female cones?

The male strobili [cones] are typically about 0.4-0.8 in (1-2 cm) in diameter and form on the lower part of the tree. The female strobili are much larger and form on the upper part of the tree. The male strobilus is composed of many modified leaves, called microsporophylls, which are spirally arranged about a central axis. Each microsporophyll has two microsporangia attached. Microsporangia are organs that contain microsporocytes, immature pollen grains. The microsporocytes develop into pollen grains with four cells each. The four cells of the pollen grain are haploid, in that each contains one set of chromosomes. Thus, the pollen grain of pines is a multicellular haploid tissue, and is the male gametophyte. In the spring time, the male strobilus releases pollen into the wind, and then shrivels up and dies.

The female strobilus is larger than the male strobilus. It is composed of many scales (modified leaves) which are spirally arranged about a central axis. Each scale has a sterile bract and two ovules, egg-forming structures, attached to it. The ovule consists of two types of tissues, the nucellus and its surrounding integument. A special pore, called a micropyle, passes through the integument to the nucellus.

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Cone is the reproductive structure present in the gymnosperms. Female cones arise in the axils of scale leaves at the tips of new strong shoots. The female cone consists of ovule, inside which female gametes are produced. The male cones are rounded and found in clusters behind the apical buds at the bases of new shoots. They develop in the axils of scale leaves in place of dwarf shoots. The male cones has microsporangia or pollen sacs that contain the male gametes.

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