what are the different features of adaptation of animals?

The characteristics of an organism (a plant or an animal) that help it survive in its habitat are called adaptations. Organisms living in different habitats have different adaptations. 

The various adaptations shown by organisms living in different habitats have been very well explained in our study material. Kindly go through it by clicking the following link and if you face any problem in understanding anything please get back to us.


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camel's nostrils are adapted to keep out from sand in desert 

camels feet  dot sink in sand like human beings because their feet are adapted like that

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It depends on the animal! Think of a wild animal, any wild animal. 

What does it look like? Pick 3 features of that animal. 

Where does is live? Do any of the features you picked help it survive there? (thick fur in the cold, streamlined living in water, nocturnal to avoid the heat of the day?) 

What does it eat? Do any of the features you picked help it eat that food? (multiple stomachs to digest grass, sharp beak, claws, teeth to rip into prey, bifocal eyesight, ability to crack nuts?) 

What eats it? Do any of the features you picked help it avoid being eaten? (camouflage, almost 360 eyesight (eyes on side of head not the front) to pick up predators, hard coatings like shells or spines, defence mechanisms using smell or limb detachment). 

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