what are the evidences of  evolution

Dear Student,

Evidences of Evolution

  • Fossils − They represent plants and animals that lived millions of years ago and are now extinct. Different aged rock sediments contain fossils of different life-forms, which probably died during the formation of the particular sediment.

  • Comparative anatomy and morphology − It shows evidences of the similarities and differences between living forms of today and that of the prehistoric times. Some of the examples of comparative anatomy and morphology are:

  • Homologous organs − All mammals share the same pattern of forelimbs. Though they perform different functions, they are anatomically similar. This is called divergent evolution and the structures are called homologous structures (common ancestors).

  • Analogous organs − The pair of organs is not anatomically similar, but performs the same function (e.g., the wings of butterflies and birds). This is called convergent evolution.

  • Adaptive melanism − In England, it was noted that before industrial revolution, the number of white-winged moths was more than that of dark melanised moth. However, after industrialisation, there were more of dark melanised moths. The explanation was that after industrialization, the tree trunks became darker with deposits of soot and smoke and hence, the number of dark moths increased in order to protect themselves from predators while the white-winged ones were easily picked up by the predators.

  • Similarly, the herbicide and pesticide resistant plants and animals and antibiotic resistant bacteria are some of the evidences that point towards evolution.


  • 13

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 Giraffes and of course us.

Giraffes used to be something like horses, but then due to lack of vegetation ( food for them) on the ground they had to turn to trees for food and so their necks started stretching and their legs grew stronger making them what they are today.

As for the humans, you are well aware of that. The reason for their evolution is mainly the ice age and various other environmental changes.

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 And yes, terrorbirds. Google them, they are some sort of evolved form of T-Rex.

Sharks too are one evidence since they along with crocodiles are the most ancient species alive today. Though they haven't gone through as much changes as we have.

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 some of the important source provide evidence for evolution are -homologous organs , analogous organ, fossils

those organ whose structure are similar but perform different function for eg... forelimb of bird and bat

those organ whose structure apperance are different but perform similar function eg.... wings of bird and insect

archaeopteryx a fossil bird which looks like birdbut it has many features which is found in reptiles............

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