What are the uses of trees found in Littoral forests??

Dear Student, 

Littoral forests are coastal forests. They are found on high sandy grounds near the coast. The coastal littoral forests grow high above the sea level and are home to many endangered species of plants and animals. Coastal littoral forests are associated with broadleaf forests. Some of the plant species found here are wild sea shrub, black poisonwood and saltwater palmetto, sundari tree, casurina, hintal tree which can survive in saline water. Littoral rainforests are closed forest communities which have closed canopies. Vegetation varies from thickets in windy areas to tall forests in more protected sites. Some of the uses of trees present here are:-

1. Sundari tree is used in building boats and boxes. 
2.  Some of its plants have medicinal use also in treating placental problems at the time of child birth.
3. Casurina is used in treating diorrhea, dysentry. 


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