What are V1, V2andV3 FORM OF WORDS?

The three forms of verbs are categorised as V1, V2 and V3.
V1 verbs are in the base form.
V2 verbs are in simple past tense form.
V3 verbs are in the past participle form.
For regular verbs V2 and V3 forms are the same.     For example: play      played      played
For irregular verbs, V2 and V3 forms are different,  For example: write     wrote       written

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Generally, In English there are 4 forms of verbs. We can call it v1, v2, v3, v4. For example, you take go. Go doesn?t have only one word as that meaning of that verb. It has 3 more forms.

Go went gone going

When we add ing to v1 form then we will get v4 form. So there are 4 forms to every verb.

Sing sang sung singing

Play played played playing

Swim swam swum swimming

Ring rang rung ringing

Clean cleaned cleaned cleaning and so on?

There is another extraordinary wonder in English. It is the concept of helping verbs. You must have heard of some strange words that is used in English like

am, is, are, can, may, should etc.

What are these? These are helping verbs. Helping verbs come after the subject. The basic structure of English is

Subject + Verb + Object
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