what are xerophytes

animals that live in deserts

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A xerophyte or xerophytic organism (xero meaning dry, phyte meaningplant) is a plant which is able to survive in an ecosystem with little available water ormoisture, usually in environments where potential evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation for all or part of the growing season. Plants like the cactus and other succulents are typically found in deserts where low rainfall amounts are the norm, but xerophytes such as the bromeliads can also be found in moist habitats such as tropical forests,exploitingniches wherewater suppliesare limited or too intermittent for mesophytic plants. Plants that live under arctic conditions may also have a need for xerophytic adaptations, as water is unavailable for uptake when the ground is frozen. Their leaves are covered with silvery hairs (creates wind break light reflective surface).Adaptations of xerophytes include reduced permeability of the epidermal layer, stomata and cuticle to maintain optimal amounts of water in the tissues by reducing transpiration, adaptations of the root system to acquire water from deep underground sources or directly from humid atmospheres (as in epiphytic orchids), and succulence, orstorageof water in swollen stems, leaves or root tissues. The typical morphological consequences of these adaptations are collectively called xeromorphisms.

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The plants that grow in desert region and have the following adaptations are called xerophytes.The following adaptations are :-
1)They have deep root system to draw deep underground water because desert is a place with scanty rainfall.
2)Their leaves have modified into spines to reduce water loss through stomata during transpiration.
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Xerophytes are plants that are adapted in such a way that they are able to tolerate extended periods of dry conditions. Most water lost from plants is in the form of water vapour that diffuses out of the leaves through the stomata during the process of transpiration. Transpiration may also take place through the cuticle. The plant cannot stop all loss of water vapour as this would prevent diffusion of oxygen & carbon dioxide during respiration and photosynthesis. The following characteristics are typical of xerophytic plants and help to prevent moisture loss and to store available water: Roots: ♦ Large capacity for storing water. ♦ Deep taproots. ♦ Wide-spreading roots near the soil surface. ♦ They are able to spread widely in search of sources of fresh water. Leaves The leaf is the part of the plant where the greatest amount of transpiration takes place. A xerophytic plant may have any of the following leaf characteristics to help reduce transpiration while still being able to photosynthesise: ♦ Thick, waxy cuticle – reflective and reduces evaporation. ♦ White and shiny – reflective and reduces evaporation. ♦ Smaller surface area – limits area of transpiration. ♦ Fewer number – less leaves to transpire. ♦ Densely packed. ♦ Stop growing during the dry season – greater moisture conservation. ♦ Rolled – to reduce leaf area exposure. ♦ May be covered with a layer of light-coloured hairs or thorns. These act as a wind break, produce small shadows on the surface of the plant which cools it, trap humid air and are a lightreflecting surface. 
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A xerophyte is a species of plant that is adapted to survive in an environment with little water, such as a desert or an ice- or snow- covered region in the Alps o the Artic.
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they are the plants that live in deserts

xero means desert and phytes means plants
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Xerophyte is a species that has adapted to an enviorment with little water
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a species which con live with little water
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Xerophytes is a species plant which is survival to live in water.
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