What Idea do you form about Russian weddings from the statement that the chubokov made "go merchant come to sell his goods" to Natalya?

Chapter the proposal


Natalya is 25 years old and is unmarried. She is a burden to her father because, at that time, a girl in her twenties was supposed to get married as soon as possible. She is considered as 'goods' as she is unmarried and Lomov is considered as a 'merchant' because he will take her away with him after marriage just like a merchant.
Lomov had come to propose Natalya for marriage. Natalya's father refers to Natalya as a good for Lomov. During the time when the play was written, marriage was seen as an economic opportunity by wealthy families to increase the size of their estates. The transaction that was taking place is the marriage and the bride was the good that is being transferred from one family to another. The groom is like a merchant who is purchasing the goods. 

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