What if the moon disappear?

The tides would completely stop
With the gravitational pull of the moon missing, tides as we know them would be over. There would still be waves (since the sun also slightly affects the movement of the ocean), but the churning currents as we know them would diminish.
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Then some festival like I'd get harmed.and also we lost our natural satelite.
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The gravitational force of moon is what causes tides in the ocean. If the moon disappears there will not be any tides in the ocean and will hence lead to a lot of problems for mankind. For example, the fisherman will not be able to catch fish as there are no tides to bring them closer to the shore. And there wouldnt be any light for us at night as there is no sun's light reflected by the moon.
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That's because the Earth's rotation slows down over time thanks to the gravitational force -- or pull of the moon -- and without it, days would go by in a blink. 3. A moonless earth would also change the size of ocean tides -- making them about one-third as high as they are now.
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