what impression do you form about Mr.Crocker Harris on the basis of reading the play 'Browning Version'.

Dear student,

Andrew Crocker-Harris was a teacher who was all at ease with himself and others. He viewed himself as a failure because (as Taplow remarked) he was unable to pass on his love for Classical literature to his students. His students ridiculed and teased him, calling him names like "Himmler of the lower fifth". He marked according to what the students deserved. He did not even prefer being liked by his students and maintained his reserve at all times. He was more in tune with discipline and decorum. Yet the most interesting attribute about Crocker-Harris was: despite having every reason for bitterness and resentment, he remained humble. Initially, Taplow did resent him but in the end he was sympathetic towards his teacher. 


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He's a strict teacher who always follows rules and regulations of the school. He says that he will not give any extra grade to any student he will give what they deserve.
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