what is a cube?what is prime factorisation?what will the cube root of 1758168956?

Cube of a given number "a" is defined as a3 which is given as a×a×a.That is when we take the cube if a number, that number is multiplied three times.

For example:

Cube of 4 = 43=4×4×4=64.


Prime Factorization:

If a number is expressed as a product of its factors, all of which are prime numbers, then such factorization is known as prime factorization.



Prime factorization of 135 = 3×3×3×5


Cube root of 1758168956 can be calculated using scientific calculator and it is 1206.9433026026...

As  per your syllabus, you will be asked to find the cube root of only those numbers whose perfect cube will be an integer not a fraction.In that case you can find the cube by factorization method.


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