what is a saturated solution ? give example also

A saturated solution is a solution in which more of the solute cannot be dissolved. For Example 
We can dissolve salt in a glass of water untill a limited weight after it we cannot dissolvr any more sugar

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a saturated solution is a solution in which more of the solute cannot be dissolved. for example we can dissolve salt in a glass of water until a limited weight after it we cannot be dissolver any more sugar.
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The term saturated   is used in chemistry to define a solution in which no more solvent can be dissolved. It is understood that saturation of the solution has been ac.The term saturated solution is used in chemistry to define a solution in which no more solvent can be dissolved. It is understood that saturation of the solution has been achieved when any additional substance that is added results in a solid precipitate or is let off as a gas. hived when any additional substance that is added results in a solid precipitate or is let off as a gas.
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A solution that can dissolve no more of the solute is called a Saturated Solution.
The most common solvent is water; it is known as the universal solvent. A solution with water as the solvent is known as an aqueous solution. Water can dissolve most substances, but not all substances.) The solvent for the ocean is water (a liquid) and salt is the solute.

Hope this above answer helps you.
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solution can dissolve
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