What is a time of cardiac cycle?

Cardiac events appearing from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of next heart beat and repeating themselves successively.

? Cardiac cycle time (H.Rate = 75/min) : 0.8 sec

Systole : 0.27 sec

Diastole: 0.53 sec

? Systole : Contraction and emptying

Muscle stimulated by action potential and contracting

? Diastole : Relaxation and filling

Muscle reestablishing Na+/K+/Ca++ gradient and is relaxing

?Atria and ventricles go through separate cycles of

systole and diastole.

?Atria contract prior to the ventricular contraction i.e.

when atria contract ventricles relax and vice versa.

? Each ventricle expels same volume of blood/beat.

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total time taken is 0.8 seconds
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