What is critical concentration of essential element ? How does it affect the plant growth and metabolism ?

Dear Student,

Critical Concentration is the term which is used to define the concentration of essential elements below which the growth of plant is Retarded or Reduced.
Also, if the concentration of essential elements rise above the critical concentrations, it leads to Toxicity.

A mineral is said to be essential if it is responsible for plant growth and development and is involved in plants metabolic functions. A plant cannot complete its life cycle if there is absence of essential elements. It includes Nitrogen , Phosphorous , Potassium , Calcium , Sulphur , Magnesium , Iron , Zinc etc.
If the concentrations of these elements is present below the critical concentration , it may lead to Plant 's Death. 
Plants Become toxic and its metabolic activities is disturbed if these elements are present in high concentrations.



  • 1
critical conc. of an essential element is that optimum conc. of the element below which there is a deficiency, above which there is a toxicity
  • 0
The concentration of the essential element below which plant growth is retarded is termed as critical concentration. The element is said to be deficient when present below the critical concentration.
  • 6
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