what is cybrid ?? how is it obtained 

Dear Student, 

Cybrid is a cytoplasmic hybrid. It is produced by the fusion between the nuclear genetic material of one organism and enucleated cell of another organism. More precisely, it involves the introduction of protoplast from one parent into the protoplast of another parent from which nucleus has been removed.

Cybrids are obtained by inducing protoplast fusion that can be achieved by two ways: 
a) Treatment of cells with chemicals.
b) Exposure to X-ray or gamma radiation.


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A cytoplasmic hybrid (or cybrid, a portmanteau of the two words) is a eukaryotic cell line produced by the fusion of a whole cell with a cytoplast. Cytoplasts are enucleated cells.

 A cybrid is then a hybrid cell which mixes the nuclear genes from one cell with the mitochondrial genes from another cell. Using this powerful tool, it makes it possible to dissociate contribution from the mitochondrial genes vs that of the nuclear genes.

Cybrids are valuable in mitochondrial research and have been used to provide suggestive evidence of mitochondrial involvement in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other conditions.

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