what is difference between conditional and unconditional reflexes

Conditioned reflex is one that does not occur naturally in the organism or system but that is developed by regular association of some physiological function with an unrelated outside event. It was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov. For example, in schools, the ringing of bells at proper intervals indicates the start or end of classes, lunch hour etc. If we associate the ringing of bell with the start of lunch hour, then at the ring of the bell, the physiological reactions preceding digestion of food such as salivation, secretion of digestive enzymes etc starts long before we see or start eating the food.

Unconditioned reflexes are the inborn, unconscious responses to a given stimuli which are transferred to the next generation as well. Some of the examples of such unconditional responses are suckling of the mother’s breast by a new born body blinking of eyes when an object is brought very close to the eyes.

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