What is difference between the eyes of day birds and night birds

there are certain structures present in the eyes of all living things known as rods and cones. the structures known as cones are during bright light. the rods help us to see in dim light that is they help us to see during the night time as they are more sensitive to light. the same happens in the case of birds.
the day birds have more cones as compared to rods so they are able to see easily during the day. but at night they have problem. the night birds have more rod cells as compared to cone cells and even they have large cornea and pupil to allow more light to enter their eye. since during day time the sun shines very brightly so large amount of light enters the eye of such birds. due to this large amount of light entering the eye they are unable to open their eyes. thus they are referred as night birds.
if this we distinguish both point wise we can say
  • day birds- can see properly during day time.
night birds-can not see properly during day time.
  • day birds-have more cones than rods.
night birds-have more rods than cones.
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the day birds are able to see in the day but not in night.
the night birds not  able to see in the day but are able to see in the night
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there are certain structures present in the eyes of all living things known as rods and cones. the structures known as cones are during bright light. the rods help us to see in dim light that is they help us to see during the night time as they are more sensitive to light. the same happens in the case of birds. the day birds have more cones as compared to rods so they are able to see easily during the day. but at night they have problem. the night birds have more rod cells as compared to cone cells and even they have large cornea and pupil to allow more light to enter their eye. since during day time the sun shines very brightly so large amount of light enters the eye of such birds. due to this large amount of light entering the eye they are unable to open their eyes. thus they are referred as night birds. if this we distinguish both point wise we can say day birds- can see properly during day time. night birds-can not see properly during day time. day birds-have more cones than rods. night birds-have more rods than cones.
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