What is fundamentalism. How it works in india

Dear Student,

Fundamentalist - He who follows the principles of a subject to perfection, a doctor can also be a fundamentalist. On religious grounds, those who follow the principles of religion like words are fundamentalist, being fundamentalist is not bad. The society also expects you to follow the rules of law, just as they are in writing. Here, the discourse of theory can be expressed with disagreement, such as a doctor being a fundamentalist in a particular system, but by searching in that subject, he can also develop new theories which are different from the system of the first. Science is a fundamentalist in itself, by establishing rules, further rules are established within the scope of the rules, then even the rules that follow may be contrary to the rules.

Fundamentalism threw Pakistan to the brink of ruin. We should take advice from him. Today, our country faces the greatest threat from fundamentalism. Due to fundamentalist ideology, man forgets humanity and even the heart of his religion, so he chooses such a path which neither mankind nor any religion of the world gives.


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i dont no bro
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